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15. Lin YL, Liang YC, Tseng YS, Huang HY, Chou SY, Hseu RS, Huang CT, Chiang BL. An immunomodulatory protein, Ling Zhi-8, induced activation and maturation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells by the NF-kappaB and MAPK pathways. Journal of leukocyte biology, 2009, 86(4): 877-89.

16. Huang WT, Tai R, Hseu RS, Huang CT. Overexpression and characterization of a thermostable, pH-stable and organic solvent-tolerant Ganoderma fornicatum laccase in Pichia pastoris. Process Biochemistry, 2011, 46: 1469–1474.

17. Tseng CY, Chung MC , Wang JS, Chang YJ, Chang JF, Lin C, Hseu RS, Chao MW. Potent in vitro protection against PM2.5-caused ROS generation and vascular permeability by long-term pretreatment with Ganoderma tsugae. Am J Chin Med. 2016, 44(2): 355-76.(相關中文報導

18. Huang SY, Chien CC, Hseu RS, Huang VYJ, Chiang SY, Huang CJ, Chen SK, Tsai RY, Lin HT, Cheng YC. Ganoderma microsporum immunomodulatory protein induces apoptosis and potentiates mitomycin C-induced apoptosis in urinary bladder urothelial carcinoma cells. J Cell Biochem. 2018 Jun;119(6):4592-4606. (相關中文報導

19. Hsu-Yuan Fua, Ruey-Shyang Hseu. Safety assessment of the fungal immunomodulatory protein from Ganoderma microsporum (GMI) derived from engineered Pichia pastoris: Genetic toxicology, a 13-week oral gavage toxicity study, and an embryo-fetal developmental toxicity study in Sprague-Dawley rats. Toxicol Rep. 2022; 9:1240–1254.



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